Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Exhibitions in 2012

Tjolöholms Slott, Solo, Glass installation & paintings, opening on the 14th of January 2012
Runde Taarn, Copenhagen, August 2012
Gudhjem Museum, Bornholm, DK, September 2012

I will be represented at:
Lerverk, Gallery & Shop http://www.lerverk.se/
Sintra, Gallery & Shop http://www.sintra.se/
Unikt Glas, Gallery & Shop http://www.uniktglas.se/
Ateljébutiken Gustavsberg, Exhibition & Shop http://www.gustavsbergskonsthall.se/

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

New times

It is a joy being the mother of two but it also takes alot of my creative time. In between cooking, changing dipers I try to read new books. The latest book I read was by Mika Hannula, Allt eller inget (All or nothing) It deal with Critical theory, contemporary art and visual culture a book I truly reccommend.

Further, from the first of October I will be showing and selling my work at Sintra in Gothenburg, Sweden. http://www.sintra.se/

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Kunsthåndvaerkerprisen af 1879, Bronzemedalje

I feel so honored!
I have just been awarded with the bronze medal of "Kunsthåndvaerkerprisen af 1879" (Price of Applied Art) and will exhibit at the Design Museum Denmark www.designmuseum.dk/en, former Kunstindustrimuseet 24 June until 7 August, 2011.

Monday, 2 May 2011

The way forward

With this new work I aim to make the viewer more aware of the here and now by presenting them to a different and timeless realm of erosion and disintegration.
This is my beginning...

Friday, 1 April 2011

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


Did we see where we were headed? If we did, would we have changed the direction? I am grasping thoughts here and there and try to gather them, try to direct my path although I hereby prevent myself from unintentional and unexpected happenings. I´ll stop forging my process forward and instead just aswer to the questions raised while exerimenting with the source of inspiration, the craft and the glass.
Peels, skin that peel, orange peel...Peel where could it take me? Behind the obvious into the essence? Of what?